Lesson Planning

In this Lesson Planning assignment we are asked to pick 5 components that we will use

in future to improve our lesson planning and give a rationale for each of the five. The

five I have chosen are;

– Characteristics of Adult Learners / Knowles (Andragogy)

– Motivational Techniques

– Assessment

– Creating a Positive Learning Environment

– Instructional Process / Strategies


Characteristics of Adult Learners


Knowles breaks down Andragogy into the following assumptions. They are self learners,

they draw on their own experience, the readiness to learn is task orientated, they are

problem-centered, they have internal motivation and a need to know. (Roberts 2007)


The last assumption being the need to know, is something I have witnessed many

times. In particular just a few days ago, this individual saw no need to learn all the

material he was given. As my job being a facilitator of learning, I need to help the

learners become aware of

“The Need to Know”.

Motivational Techniques

Important parts of a lesson plan for adults, is motivational techniques. In the case of

recurrent training, motivation can be hard to achieve as the learner already achieved

that particular goal, purpose or relevancy. The use of a hook, anticipatory event or

suspense in this setting would be useful. I have used this in past but did not fully

understand the reasoning behind it. An example would be having an interesting

secretive live fire practice after the theory part has been taken. The Learning coach has

a fun take on this.

Get Your Audience Pumped: 30 Ways to Motivate Adult Learners


Assessment can be closely tied into the characteristics of adult learners. There are many

forms of assessment, some of which are diagnostic, formative, and summative. As well,

there can be various types, such as performance, authentic and holistic.tests

With adult learners the formative type of assessment can be more critical. Adults come

to us with multiple differences, intelligences, learning styles and experience. I really

notice this in the group of learners I will be instructing and in turn will be able to taylor

my instruction accordingly .


Creating a Positive Learning Environment

The following web site really hits home the differences between the adult learner

(Andragogy) and the youth learner(Pedagogy). The need of the adult learner to be

treated with respect, to acknowledge the adults life experiences and to treat any errors

in private should be the cornerstone in adult instruction and hopefully be so in mine.


Instructional Process / Strategies 

Instructional strategies consist of direct instruction, indirect instruction, interactive

instruction, experiential learning and independent study. The web site I referred to has

a great little wheel demonstrating instructional methods, I copied it below. Another

interesting tip listed in the web site that I may incorporate was, “Given the choices

between two techniques, choose the one involving the learners in the most active

participation” (Knowles, 1980).



2 thoughts on “Lesson Planning

  1. Peter, I found your blog to be very informative and really fun. I liked it immensely, and hope you will continue to blog. Yours is so much better than my finished product (I just finally submitted it to the professor). How did you get the plane in that spot. I considered trying to find a picture, but just didn’t have any more energy.


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